Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ constraint_solver/

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
operations_research::ActionAn action is the base callback method
operations_research::AllUnperformedDecision builder to build a solution with all nodes inactive
operations_research::ArcOutgoing dependency from a node (destination, offset)
operations_research::ArgumentHolderArgument Holder: useful when visiting a model
operations_research::AssignmentContainer< V, E >Assignment element container
operations_research::BaseIntExprThis is the base class for all expressions that are not variables
operations_research::BaseLNSBase Large Neighborhood Search operator class
operations_research::BaseObjectUseful Search and Modeling Objects
operations_research::CallMethod0< T >Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with no arguments
operations_research::CallMethod1< T, P >Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with one argument
operations_research::CallMethod2< T, P, Q >Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with two arguments
operations_research::CastConstraintCast constraints are special channeling constraints the goal of which is to keep a variable in sync with an expression
operations_research::ChangeValueChangeValue Operators
operations_research::ConstraintA constraint is the main modeling object
operations_research::DecisionA Decision represents a choice point in the search tree
operations_research::DecisionBuilderA DecisionBuilder is responsible for creating the search tree
operations_research::DecisionVisitorA DecisionVisitor is used to inspect a decision
operations_research::DefaultPhaseParametersThis struct holds all parameters for the default search
operations_research::DelayedCallMethod0< T >Low-priority demon proxy to a method on the constraint with no arguments
operations_research::DelayedCallMethod1< T, P >Low-priority demon proxy to a method on the constraint with one argument
operations_research::DelayedCallMethod2< T, P, Q >Low-priority demon proxy to a method on the constraint with two arguments
operations_research::DemonA Demon is the base element of a propagation queue
operations_research::DemonProfilerDemonProfiler manages the profiling of demons and allows access to gathered data
operations_research::DependencyGraphNodeA node in the dependency graph
operations_research::FastOnePathBuilderDecision builder building a solution with a single path without propagating
operations_research::FindOneNeighborFinds a neighbor of the assignment passed
operations_research::IntervalVarInterval Var
operations_research::IntExprThe class IntExpr is the base of all integer expressions in constraint programming
operations_research::IntVarThe class IntVar is a subset of IntExpr
operations_research::IntVarIteratorThe class Iterator has two direct subclasses
operations_research::IntVarLocalSearchOperatorBase operator class for operators manipulating IntVars
operations_research::LocalSearchFilterLocal Search Filters
operations_research::LocalSearchOperator< !defined(SWIG)
operations_research::LocalSearchPhaseParametersLocal Search Phase Parameters
operations_research::MakePairActiveOperatorPair-based neighborhood operators, designed to move nodes by pairs (pairs are static and given)
operations_research::ModelCacheImplements a complete cache for model elements: expressions and constraints
operations_research::ModelParserModel Parser
operations_research::ModelVisitorModel visitor
operations_research::NaturalLessString comparator that compares strings naturally, even those including integer numbers
operations_research::NoGoodNoGood Recorder
operations_research::NoGoodManagerBase class of no good manager
operations_research::NoGoodTermBase class for NoGood terms
operations_research::NumericalRev< T >Subclass of Rev<T> which adds numerical operations
operations_research::NumericalRevArray< T >Subclass of RevArray<T> which adds numerical operations
operations_research::OptimizeVarThis class encapsulate an objective
operations_research::PackPack Constraint
operations_research::PairRelocateOperatorOperator which moves a pair of nodes to another position
operations_research::PathOperatorPath-based Operators
operations_research::PropagationBaseObjectThe PropagationBaseObject is a subclass of BaseObject that is also friend to the Solver class
operations_research::Rev< T >This class adds reversibility to a POD type
operations_research::RevArray< T >Reversible array of POD types
operations_research::RevBitMatrixMatrix version of the RevBitSet class
operations_research::RevBitSetThis class represents a reversible bitset
operations_research::RevImmutableMultiMap< K, V >Immutable Multi Map
operations_research::RevSwitchA reversible switch that can switch once from false to true
operations_research::RoutingCacheCached callbacks
operations_research::SearchSearch class
operations_research::SearchLimitSearch Limits
operations_research::SearchLogSearch Log
operations_research::SearchMonitorA search monitor is a simple set of callbacks to monitor all search events
operations_research::SimpleRevFIFO< T >Utility classes
operations_research::SimpleRevFIFO< T >::IteratorThis iterator is not stable with respect to deletion
operations_research::SmallRevBitSetThis class represents a small reversible bitset (size <= 64)
operations_research::SolutionCollectorSolution Collectors
operations_research::SolverSolver Class
operations_research::Solver::IntegerCastInfoHolds semantic information stating that the 'expression' has been cast into 'variable' using the Var() method, and that 'maintainer' is responsible for maintaining the equality between 'variable' and 'expression'
operations_research::SolverParametersThis struct holds all parameters for the Solver object
operations_research::StateInfoStateMarker / StateInfo struct
operations_research::SymmetryBreakerA symmetry breaker is an object that will visit a decision and create the 'symmetrical' decision in return
operations_research::SymmetryManagerSymmetry Breaking