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// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ constraint_solver/

operations_research::SequenceVar Class Reference

SequenceVar. More...

#include <constraint_solver.h>

Inheritance diagram for operations_research::SequenceVar:

operations_research::PropagationBaseObject operations_research::BaseObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SequenceVar (Solver *const s, const IntervalVar *const *intervals, int size, const string &name)
virtual ~SequenceVar ()
virtual string DebugString () const
void DurationRange (int64 *const dmin, int64 *const dmax) const
 Returns the minimum and maximum duration of combined interval vars in the sequence.
void HorizonRange (int64 *const hmin, int64 *const hmax) const
 Returns the minimum start min and the maximum end max of all interval vars in the sequence.
void ActiveHorizonRange (int64 *const hmin, int64 *const hmax) const
 Returns the minimum start min and the maximum end max of all unranked interval vars in the sequence.
int Ranked () const
 Returns the number of interval vars already ranked.
int NotRanked () const
 Returns the number of not-unperformed interval vars that may be performed and that are not yet ranked.
void RankFirst (int index)
 Ranks the index_th interval var first of all unranked interval vars.
void RankNotFirst (int index)
 Indicates that the index_th interval var will not be ranked first of all currently unranked interval vars.
void RankLast (int index)
 Ranks the index_th interval var first of all unranked interval vars.
void RankNotLast (int index)
 Indicates that the index_th interval var will not be ranked first of all currently unranked interval vars.
void AddPrecedence (int before, int after)
 Adds a precedence relation (STARTS_AFTER_END) between two activities of the sequence var.
void ComputePossibleFirstsAndLasts (std::vector< int > *const possible_firsts, std::vector< int > *const possible_lasts)
 Computes the set of indices of interval variables that can be ranked first in the set of unranked activities.
void RankSequence (const std::vector< int > &rank_firsts, const std::vector< int > &rank_lasts, const std::vector< int > &unperformed)
 Applies the following sequence of ranks, ranks first, then rank last.
void FillSequence (std::vector< int > *const rank_first, std::vector< int > *const rank_lasts, std::vector< int > *const unperformed) const
 Clears 'rank_first' and 'rank_last', and fills them with the intervals in the order of the ranks.
IntervalVarInterval (int index) const
 Returns the index_th interval of the sequence.
int size () const
 Returns the number of interval vars in the sequence.
virtual void Accept (ModelVisitor *const visitor) const
 Accepts the given visitor.

Detailed Description


A sequence variable is a variable which domain is a set of possible orderings of the interval variables. It allows ordering tasks. It has two sets of methods: ComputePossibleFirstsAndLasts() which returns the list of interval variables thant can be ranked first or lasts, and RankFirst/RankNotFirst/RankLast/RankNotLast which can be used to create the search decision.

Definition at line 4175 of file constraint_solver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

operations_research::SequenceVar::SequenceVar ( Solver *const   s,
const IntervalVar *const *  intervals,
int  size,
const string &  name 


\xrefitem todo 37

Definition at line 1750 of file

operations_research::SequenceVar::~SequenceVar (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1766 of file

Member Function Documentation

string operations_research::SequenceVar::DebugString (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from operations_research::PropagationBaseObject.

Definition at line 1772 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::DurationRange ( int64 *const   dmin,
int64 *const   dmax 
) const

Returns the minimum and maximum duration of combined interval vars in the sequence.

Definition at line 1794 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::HorizonRange ( int64 *const   hmin,
int64 *const   hmax 
) const

Returns the minimum start min and the maximum end max of all interval vars in the sequence.

Definition at line 1810 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::ActiveHorizonRange ( int64 *const   hmin,
int64 *const   hmax 
) const

Returns the minimum start min and the maximum end max of all unranked interval vars in the sequence.

Definition at line 1836 of file

int operations_research::SequenceVar::Ranked (  )  const

Returns the number of interval vars already ranked.

Definition at line 1857 of file

int operations_research::SequenceVar::NotRanked (  )  const

Returns the number of not-unperformed interval vars that may be performed and that are not yet ranked.

Definition at line 1861 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::RankFirst ( int  index  ) 

Ranks the index_th interval var first of all unranked interval vars.

After that, it will no longer be considered ranked.

Definition at line 2032 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::RankNotFirst ( int  index  ) 

Indicates that the index_th interval var will not be ranked first of all currently unranked interval vars.

Definition at line 2051 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::RankLast ( int  index  ) 

Ranks the index_th interval var first of all unranked interval vars.

After that, it will no longer be considered ranked.

Definition at line 2072 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::RankNotLast ( int  index  ) 

Indicates that the index_th interval var will not be ranked first of all currently unranked interval vars.

Definition at line 2091 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::AddPrecedence ( int  before,
int  after 

Adds a precedence relation (STARTS_AFTER_END) between two activities of the sequence var.

Definition at line 1910 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::ComputePossibleFirstsAndLasts ( std::vector< int > *const   possible_firsts,
std::vector< int > *const   possible_lasts 

Computes the set of indices of interval variables that can be ranked first in the set of unranked activities.

Definition at line 1871 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::RankSequence ( const std::vector< int > &  rank_firsts,
const std::vector< int > &  rank_lasts,
const std::vector< int > &  unperformed 

Applies the following sequence of ranks, ranks first, then rank last.

rank_first and rank_last represents different directions. rank_first[0] corresponds to the first interval of the sequence. rank_last[0] corresponds to the last interval of the sequence. All intervals in the unperformed vector will be marked as such.

Definition at line 2009 of file

void operations_research::SequenceVar::FillSequence ( std::vector< int > *const   rank_first,
std::vector< int > *const   rank_lasts,
std::vector< int > *const   unperformed 
) const

Clears 'rank_first' and 'rank_last', and fills them with the intervals in the order of the ranks.

If all variables are ranked, 'rank_first' will contain all variables, and 'rank_last' will contain none. 'unperformed' will contains all such interval variables. rank_first and rank_last represents different directions. rank_first[0] corresponds to the first interval of the sequence. rank_last[0] corresponds to the last interval of the sequence.

Definition at line 2112 of file

IntervalVar * operations_research::SequenceVar::Interval ( int  index  )  const

Returns the index_th interval of the sequence.

Definition at line 1768 of file

int operations_research::SequenceVar::size (  )  const [inline]

Returns the number of interval vars in the sequence.

Definition at line 4254 of file constraint_solver.h.

void operations_research::SequenceVar::Accept ( ModelVisitor *const   visitor  )  const [virtual]

Accepts the given visitor.

Definition at line 1790 of file

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