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// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ constraint_solver/

operations_research::PropagationBaseObject Class Reference

The PropagationBaseObject is a subclass of BaseObject that is also friend to the Solver class. More...

#include <constraint_solver.h>

Inheritance diagram for operations_research::PropagationBaseObject:

operations_research::BaseObject operations_research::Assignment operations_research::Constraint operations_research::IntervalVar operations_research::IntExpr operations_research::SequenceVar operations_research::CastConstraint operations_research::Pack operations_research::BaseIntExpr operations_research::IntVar

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PropagationBaseObject (Solver *const s)
virtual ~PropagationBaseObject ()
virtual string DebugString () const
Solversolver () const
void FreezeQueue ()
 This method freezes the propagation queue.
void UnfreezeQueue ()
 This method unfreezes the propagation queue.
void Enqueue (Demon *d)
 This method pushes the demon onto the propagation queue.
void ProcessDemonsOnQueue ()
 This methods process all demons with priority non IMMEDIATE on the queue.
void set_queue_action_on_fail (Action *a)
 This method sets a callback that will be called if a failure happens during the propagation of the queue.
void clear_queue_action_on_fail ()
 This methods clears the failure callback.
virtual string name () const
void set_name (const string &name)
bool HasName () const
 Returns whether the object has been named or not.
virtual string BaseName () const
 Returns a base name for automatic naming.

Detailed Description

The PropagationBaseObject is a subclass of BaseObject that is also friend to the Solver class.

It allows accessing methods useful when writing new constraints or new expressions.

Definition at line 3021 of file constraint_solver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::PropagationBaseObject ( Solver *const   s  )  [inline, explicit]

Definition at line 3023 of file constraint_solver.h.

virtual operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::~PropagationBaseObject (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 3024 of file constraint_solver.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual string operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::DebugString (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Solver* operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::solver (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 3033 of file constraint_solver.h.

void operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::FreezeQueue (  )  [inline]

This method freezes the propagation queue.

It is useful when you need to apply multiple modifications at once.

Definition at line 3036 of file constraint_solver.h.

void operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::UnfreezeQueue (  )  [inline]

This method unfreezes the propagation queue.

All modifications that happened when the queue was frozen will be processed.

Definition at line 3040 of file constraint_solver.h.

void operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::Enqueue ( Demon d  )  [inline]

This method pushes the demon onto the propagation queue.

It will be processed directly if the queue is empty. It will be enqueued according to its priority otherwise.

Definition at line 3045 of file constraint_solver.h.

void operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::ProcessDemonsOnQueue (  )  [inline]

This methods process all demons with priority non IMMEDIATE on the queue.

Definition at line 3049 of file constraint_solver.h.

void operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::set_queue_action_on_fail ( Action a  )  [inline]

This method sets a callback that will be called if a failure happens during the propagation of the queue.

Definition at line 3053 of file constraint_solver.h.

void operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::clear_queue_action_on_fail (  )  [inline]

This methods clears the failure callback.

Definition at line 3058 of file constraint_solver.h.

string operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::name (  )  const [virtual]



Definition at line 2539 of file

void operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::set_name ( const string &  name  ) 

Definition at line 2544 of file

bool operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::HasName (  )  const

Returns whether the object has been named or not.

Definition at line 2548 of file

string operations_research::PropagationBaseObject::BaseName (  )  const [virtual]

Returns a base name for automatic naming.

Definition at line 2552 of file

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