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// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ constraint_solver/

operations_research::SearchLimit Class Reference

Search Limits. More...

#include <constraint_solver.h>

Inheritance diagram for operations_research::SearchLimit:

operations_research::SearchMonitor operations_research::BaseObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SearchLimit (Solver *const s)
virtual ~SearchLimit ()
 Search Limits.
bool crossed () const
 Returns true if the limit has been crossed.
virtual bool Check ()=0
 This method is called to check the status of the limit.
virtual void Init ()=0
 This method is called when the search limit is initialized.
virtual void Copy (const SearchLimit *const limit)=0
 Copy a limit.
virtual SearchLimitMakeClone () const =0
 Allocates a clone of the limit.
virtual void EnterSearch ()
 Internal methods.
virtual void BeginNextDecision (DecisionBuilder *const b)
 Before calling DecisionBuilder::Next.
virtual void PeriodicCheck ()
 Periodic call to check limits in long running methods.
virtual void RefuteDecision (Decision *const d)
 Before refuting the Decision.
virtual string DebugString () const

Detailed Description

Search Limits.

Base class of all search limits.

Definition at line 3971 of file constraint_solver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

operations_research::SearchLimit::SearchLimit ( Solver *const   s  )  [inline, explicit]

Definition at line 3973 of file constraint_solver.h.

operations_research::SearchLimit::~SearchLimit (  )  [virtual]

Search Limits.

Base Class

Definition at line 3702 of file

Member Function Documentation

bool operations_research::SearchLimit::crossed (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the limit has been crossed.

Definition at line 3977 of file constraint_solver.h.

virtual bool operations_research::SearchLimit::Check (  )  [pure virtual]

This method is called to check the status of the limit.

A return value of true indicates that we have indeed crossed the limit. In that case, this method will not be called again and the remaining search will be discarded.

virtual void operations_research::SearchLimit::Init (  )  [pure virtual]

This method is called when the search limit is initialized.

virtual void operations_research::SearchLimit::Copy ( const SearchLimit *const   limit  )  [pure virtual]

Copy a limit.

Warning: leads to a direct (no check) downcasting of 'limit' so one needs to be sure both SearchLimits are of the same type.

virtual SearchLimit* operations_research::SearchLimit::MakeClone (  )  const [pure virtual]

Allocates a clone of the limit.

void operations_research::SearchLimit::EnterSearch (  )  [virtual]

Internal methods.

Reimplemented from operations_research::SearchMonitor.

Definition at line 3704 of file

void operations_research::SearchLimit::BeginNextDecision ( DecisionBuilder *const   b  )  [virtual]

Before calling DecisionBuilder::Next.

Reimplemented from operations_research::SearchMonitor.

Definition at line 3709 of file

void operations_research::SearchLimit::PeriodicCheck (  )  [virtual]

Periodic call to check limits in long running methods.

Reimplemented from operations_research::SearchMonitor.

Definition at line 3717 of file

void operations_research::SearchLimit::RefuteDecision ( Decision *const   d  )  [virtual]

Before refuting the Decision.

Reimplemented from operations_research::SearchMonitor.

Definition at line 3713 of file

virtual string operations_research::SearchLimit::DebugString (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from operations_research::BaseObject.

Definition at line 4000 of file constraint_solver.h.

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