Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ constraint_solver/

operations_research::RoutingModel Class Reference

#include <routing.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  RoutingStrategy {
 First solution strategies, used as starting point of local search. More...
 Metaheuristics used to guide the search. More...
 Status of the search. More...
typedef _RoutingModel_NodeIndex NodeIndex
typedef ResultCallback2< int64,
NodeIndex, NodeIndex
typedef std::vector< std::pair
< int, int > > 

Public Member Functions

 RoutingModel (int nodes, int vehicles)
 Supposes a single depot.
 RoutingModel (int nodes, int vehicles, const std::vector< std::pair< NodeIndex, NodeIndex > > &start_end)
 Constructor taking a vector of (start node, end node) pairs for each vehicle route.
 RoutingModel (int nodes, int vehicles, const std::vector< NodeIndex > &starts, const std::vector< NodeIndex > &ends)
 Constructor taking vectors of start nodes and end nodes for each vehicle route.
 ~RoutingModel ()
void AddDimension (NodeEvaluator2 *evaluator, int64 slack_max, int64 capacity, const string &name)
 Model creation.
void AddConstantDimension (int64 value, int64 capacity, const string &name)
 Creates a dimension where the transit variable is constrained to be equal to 'value'; 'capacity' is the upper bound of the cumul variables.
void AddVectorDimension (const int64 *values, int64 capacity, const string &name)
 Creates a dimension where the transit variable is constrained to be equal to 'values[i]' for node i; 'capacity' is the upper bound of the cumul variables.
void AddMatrixDimension (const int64 *const *values, int64 capacity, const string &name)
 Creates a dimension where the transit variable is constrained to be equal to 'values[i][next[i]' for node i; 'capacity' is the upper bound of the cumul variables.
void AddAllActive ()
 Constrains all nodes to be active (to belong to a route).
void AddDisjunction (const std::vector< NodeIndex > &nodes)
 Adds a disjunction constraint on the nodes: exactly one of the nodes is active.
void AddDisjunction (const std::vector< NodeIndex > &nodes, int64 penalty)
 Adds a penalized disjunction constraint on the nodes: at most one of the nodes is active; if none are active a penalty cost is applied (this cost is added to the global cost function).
void AddPickupAndDelivery (NodeIndex node1, NodeIndex node2)
void SetDepot (NodeIndex depot)
 Makes 'depot' the starting node of all routes.
void SetCost (NodeEvaluator2 *evaluator)
 Sets the cost function of the model such that the cost of a segment of a route between node 'from' and 'to' is evaluator(from, to), whatever the route or vehicle performing the route.
void SetVehicleCost (int vehicle, NodeEvaluator2 *evaluator)
 Sets the cost function for a given vehicle route.
int64 GetRouteFixedCost () const
 The fixed cost of a route is taken into account if the route is not empty, aka there's at least one node on the route other than the first and last nodes.
void SetRouteFixedCost (int64 cost)
 Sets the fixed cost of all vehicle routes.
int64 GetVehicleFixedCost (int vehicle) const
 Returns the route fixed cost taken into account if the route of the vehicle is not empty, aka there's at least one node on the route other than the first and last nodes.
void SetVehicleFixedCost (int vehicle, int64 cost)
 Sets the fixed cost of one vehicle route.
RoutingStrategy first_solution_strategy () const
 Search Returns the strategy used to build a first solution.
void set_first_solution_strategy (RoutingStrategy strategy)
 Sets the strategy used to build a first solution.
Solver::IndexEvaluator2first_solution_evaluator () const
 Gets/sets the evaluator used when the first solution heuristic is set to ROUTING_EVALUATOR_STRATEGY (variant of ROUTING_PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC using 'evaluator' to sort node segments).
void SetFirstSolutionEvaluator (Solver::IndexEvaluator2 *evaluator)
 Takes ownership of evaluator.
RoutingStrategy GetSelectedFirstSolutionStrategy () const
 If a first solution flag has been set (to a value different than Default), returns the corresponding strategy, otherwise returns the strategy which was set.
void AddLocalSearchOperator (LocalSearchOperator *ls_operator)
 Adds a local search operator to the set of operators used to solve the vehicle routing problem.
RoutingMetaheuristic metaheuristic () const
 Returns the metaheuristic used.
void set_metaheuristic (RoutingMetaheuristic metaheuristic)
 Sets the metaheuristic to be used.
RoutingMetaheuristic GetSelectedMetaheuristic () const
 If a metaheuristic flag has been set, returns the corresponding metaheuristic, otherwise returns the metaheuristic which was set.
void AddSearchMonitor (SearchMonitor *const monitor)
 Adds a search monitor to the search used to solve the routing model.
void CloseModel ()
 Closes the current routing model; after this method is called, no modification to the model can be done, but RoutesToAssignment becomes available.
const AssignmentSolve (const Assignment *assignment=NULL)
 Solves the current routing model; closes the current model.
int64 ComputeLowerBound ()
 Computes a lower bound to the routing problem solving a linear assignment problem.
Status status () const
 Returns the current status of the routing model.
IntVarApplyLocks (const std::vector< int > &locks)
 Applies a lock chain to the next search.
bool ApplyLocksToAllVehicles (const std::vector< std::vector< NodeIndex > > &locks, bool close_routes)
 Applies lock chains to all vehicles to the next search, such that locks[p] is the lock chain for route p.
const Assignment *const PreAssignment () const
 Returns an assignment used to fix some of the variables of the problem.
bool WriteAssignment (const string &file_name) const
 Writes the current solution to a file containing an AssignmentProto.
AssignmentReadAssignment (const string &file_name)
 Reads an assignment from a file and returns the current solution.
AssignmentRestoreAssignment (const Assignment &solution)
 Restores an assignment as a solution in the routing model and returns the new solution.
AssignmentReadAssignmentFromRoutes (const std::vector< std::vector< NodeIndex > > &routes, bool ignore_inactive_nodes)
 Restores the routes as the current solution.
bool RoutesToAssignment (const std::vector< std::vector< NodeIndex > > &routes, bool ignore_inactive_nodes, bool close_routes, Assignment *const assignment) const
 Fills an assignment from a specification of the routes of the vehicles.
void AssignmentToRoutes (const Assignment &assignment, std::vector< std::vector< NodeIndex > > *const routes) const
 Converts the solution in the given assignment to routes for all vehicles.
AssignmentCompactAssignment (const Assignment &assignment) const
 Returns a compacted version of the given assignment, in which all vehicles with id lower or equal to some N have non-empty routes, and all vehicles with id greater than N have empty routes.
void AddToAssignment (IntVar *const var)
 Adds an extra variable to the vehicle routing assignment.
int Start (int vehicle) const
 Model inspection.
int End (int vehicle) const
 Returns the variable index of the ending node of a vehicle route.
bool IsStart (int64 index) const
 Returns true if 'index' represents the first node of a route.
bool IsEnd (int64 index) const
 Returns true if 'index' represents the last node of a route.
int64 GetFirstSolutionCost (int64 i, int64 j)
 Return high cost if connecting to end node; used in cost-based first solution.
bool homogeneous_costs () const
int Next (const Assignment &assignment, int index) const
 Assignment inspection Returns the variable index of the node directly after the node corresponding to 'index' in 'assignment'.
bool IsVehicleUsed (const Assignment &assignment, int vehicle) const
 Returns true if the route of 'vehicle' is non empty in 'assignment'.
IntVar ** Nexts () const
 Variables Returns all next variables of the model, such that Nexts(i) is the next variable of the node corresponding to i.
IntVar ** VehicleVars () const
 Returns all vehicle variables of the model, such that VehicleVars(i) is the vehicle variable of the node corresponding to i.
IntVarNextVar (int64 index) const
 Returns the next variable of the node corresponding to index.
IntVarActiveVar (int64 index) const
 Returns the active variable of the node corresponding to index.
IntVarVehicleVar (int64 index) const
 Returns the vehicle variable of the node corresponding to index.
IntVarCumulVar (int64 index, const string &name) const
 Returns the cumul variable for the dimension named 'name'.
IntVarTransitVar (int64 index, const string &name) const
 Returns the transit variable for the dimension named 'name'.
IntVarCostVar () const
 Returns the global cost variable which is being minimized.
int64 GetCost (int64 from_index, int64 to_index, int64 vehicle)
 Returns the cost of the segment between two nodes for a given vehicle route.
int64 GetHomogeneousCost (int64 i, int64 j)
 Returns the cost of the segment between two nodes supposing all vehicle costs are the same (returns the cost for the first vehicle otherwise).
Solversolver () const
 Returns the underlying constraint solver.
int nodes () const
 Sizes and indices Returns the number of nodes in the model.
int vehicles () const
 Returns the number of vehicle routes in the model.
int Size () const
 Returns the number of next variables in the model.
NodeIndex IndexToNode (int64 index) const
 Returns the node index from an index value resulting fron a next variable.
int64 NodeToIndex (NodeIndex node) const
 Returns the variable index from a node value.
void GetDisjunctionIndicesFromIndex (int64 index, std::vector< int > *indices) const
 Returns the variable indices of the nodes in the same disjunction as the node corresponding to the variable of index 'index'.
int64 TimeLimit () const
 Time limits Returns the current time limit used in the search.
void UpdateTimeLimit (int64 limit_ms)
 Updates the time limit used in the search.
void UpdateLNSTimeLimit (int64 limit_ms)
 Updates the time limit used in the Large Neighborhood search tree.
void SetCommandLineOption (const string &name, const string &value)
 Utilities for swig to set flags in python or java.

Static Public Attributes

static const NodeIndex kFirstNode
 Constants with an index of the first node (to be used in for loops for iteration), and a special index to signalize an invalid/unused value.
static const NodeIndex kInvalidNodeIndex


struct  CostCacheElement
struct  Disjunction

Detailed Description

Definition at line 178 of file routing.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef _RoutingModel_NodeIndex operations_research::RoutingModel::NodeIndex

Definition at line 238 of file routing.h.

Definition at line 239 of file routing.h.

typedef std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > operations_research::RoutingModel::NodePairs

Definition at line 240 of file routing.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

First solution strategies, used as starting point of local search.

ROUTING_DEFAULT_STRATEGY  Select the first node with an unbound successor and connect it to the first available node.

This is equivalent to the CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND strategy combined with ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE (cf. constraint_solver.h).

ROUTING_GLOBAL_CHEAPEST_ARC  Iteratively connect two nodes which produce the cheapest route segment.
ROUTING_LOCAL_CHEAPEST_ARC  Select the first node with an unbound successor and connect it to the node which produces the cheapest route segment.

ROUTING_PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC  Starting from a route "start" node, connect it to the node which produces the cheapest route segment, then extend the route by iterating on the last node added to the route.

ROUTING_EVALUATOR_STRATEGY  Same as ROUTING_PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC, except that arc costs are evaluated using the function passed to RoutingModel::SetFirstSolutionEvaluator().

ROUTING_ALL_UNPERFORMED  Make all node inactive.

Only finds a solution if nodes are optional (are element of a disjunction constraint with a finite penalty cost).

ROUTING_BEST_INSERTION  Iteratively build a solution by inserting nodes at their cheapest (best) position.

As of 2/2012, only works on models with optional nodes (with finite penalty costs).

Definition at line 181 of file routing.h.

Metaheuristics used to guide the search.

Apart greedy descent, they will try to escape local minima.

ROUTING_GREEDY_DESCENT  Accepts improving (cost-reducing) local search neighbors until a local minimum is reached.

This is the default heuristic.

ROUTING_GUIDED_LOCAL_SEARCH  Uses guided local search to escape local minima (cf.; this is generally the most efficient metaheuristic for vehicle routing.

ROUTING_SIMULATED_ANNEALING  Uses simulated annealing to escape local minima (cf.

ROUTING_TABU_SEARCH  Uses tabu search to escape local minima (cf.

Definition at line 210 of file routing.h.

Status of the search.

ROUTING_NOT_SOLVED  Problem not solved yet (before calling RoutingModel::Solve()).
ROUTING_SUCCESS  Problem solved successfully after calling RoutingModel::Solve().
ROUTING_FAIL  No solution found to the problem after calling RoutingModel::Solve().
ROUTING_FAIL_TIMEOUT  Time limit reached before finding a solution with RoutingModel::Solve().

Definition at line 227 of file routing.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

operations_research::RoutingModel::RoutingModel ( int  nodes,
int  vehicles 

Supposes a single depot.

A depot is the start and end node of the route of a vehicle.

Definition at line 680 of file

operations_research::RoutingModel::RoutingModel ( int  nodes,
int  vehicles,
const std::vector< std::pair< NodeIndex, NodeIndex > > &  start_end 

Constructor taking a vector of (start node, end node) pairs for each vehicle route.

Used to model multiple depots.

Definition at line 714 of file

operations_research::RoutingModel::RoutingModel ( int  nodes,
int  vehicles,
const std::vector< NodeIndex > &  starts,
const std::vector< NodeIndex > &  ends 

Constructor taking vectors of start nodes and end nodes for each vehicle route.

Used to model multiple depots.

TODO(user): added to simplify SWIG wrapping. Remove when swigging std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > is ok.

Definition at line 757 of file

operations_research::RoutingModel::~RoutingModel (  ) 

Definition at line 831 of file

Member Function Documentation

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddDimension ( NodeEvaluator2 evaluator,
int64  slack_max,
int64  capacity,
const string &  name 

Model creation.

Methods to add dimensions to routes; dimensions represent quantities accumulated at nodes along the routes. They represent quantities such as weights or volumes carried along the route, or distance or times. Quantities at a node are represented by "cumul" variables and the increase or decrease of quantities between nodes are represented by "transit" variables. These variables are linked as follows: if j == next(i), cumul(j) = cumul(i) + transit(i) + slack(i) where slack is a positive slack variable (can represent waiting times for a time dimension). Creates a dimension where the transit variable is constrained to be equal to evaluator(i, next(i)); 'slack_max' is the upper bound of the slack variable and 'capacity' is the upper bound of the cumul variables. 'name' is the name used to reference the dimension; this name is used to get cumul and transit variables from the routing model.

Definition at line 847 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddConstantDimension ( int64  value,
int64  capacity,
const string &  name 

Creates a dimension where the transit variable is constrained to be equal to 'value'; 'capacity' is the upper bound of the cumul variables.

'name' is the name used to reference the dimension; this name is used to get cumul and transit variables from the routing model.

Definition at line 868 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddVectorDimension ( const int64 *  values,
int64  capacity,
const string &  name 

Creates a dimension where the transit variable is constrained to be equal to 'values[i]' for node i; 'capacity' is the upper bound of the cumul variables.

'name' is the name used to reference the dimension; this name is used to get cumul and transit variables from the routing model.

Definition at line 877 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddMatrixDimension ( const int64 *const *  values,
int64  capacity,
const string &  name 

Creates a dimension where the transit variable is constrained to be equal to 'values[i][next[i]' for node i; 'capacity' is the upper bound of the cumul variables.

'name' is the name used to reference the dimension; this name is used to get cumul and transit variables from the routing model.

Definition at line 886 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddAllActive (  ) 

Constrains all nodes to be active (to belong to a route).

Definition at line 895 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddDisjunction ( const std::vector< NodeIndex > &  nodes  ) 

Adds a disjunction constraint on the nodes: exactly one of the nodes is active.

Start and end nodes of any vehicle cannot be part of a disjunction.

Definition at line 944 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddDisjunction ( const std::vector< NodeIndex > &  nodes,
int64  penalty 

Adds a penalized disjunction constraint on the nodes: at most one of the nodes is active; if none are active a penalty cost is applied (this cost is added to the global cost function).

This is equivalent to adding the constraint: p + Sum(i)active[i] == 1, where p is a boolean variable and the following cost to the cost function: p * penalty. "penalty" must be positive. Note: passing a vector with a single node will model an optional node with a penalty cost if it is not visited. SWIGPYTHON Notifies that node1 and node2 form a pair of nodes which should belong to the same route. This methods helps the search find better solutions, especially in the local search phase. It should be called each time you have an equality constraint linking the vehicle variables of two node (including for instance pickup and delivery problems): Solver* const solver = routing.solver(); solver->AddConstraint(solver->MakeEquality( routing.VehicleVar(routing.NodeToIndex(node1)), routing.VehicleVar(routing.NodeToIndex(node2)))); solver->AddPickupAndDelivery(node1, node2);

TODO(user): Remove this when model introspection detects linked nodes.

Definition at line 948 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddPickupAndDelivery ( NodeIndex  node1,
NodeIndex  node2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 342 of file routing.h.

void operations_research::RoutingModel::SetDepot ( NodeIndex  depot  ) 

Makes 'depot' the starting node of all routes.

Definition at line 996 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::SetCost ( NodeEvaluator2 evaluator  ) 

Sets the cost function of the model such that the cost of a segment of a route between node 'from' and 'to' is evaluator(from, to), whatever the route or vehicle performing the route.

Definition at line 903 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::SetVehicleCost ( int  vehicle,
NodeEvaluator2 evaluator 

Sets the cost function for a given vehicle route.

Definition at line 916 of file

int64 operations_research::RoutingModel::GetRouteFixedCost (  )  const

The fixed cost of a route is taken into account if the route is not empty, aka there's at least one node on the route other than the first and last nodes.

Gets the fixed cost of all vehicle routes if they are all the same; otherwise returns the fixed cost of the first vehicle route. Deprecated by GetVehicleFixedCost().

Definition at line 912 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::SetRouteFixedCost ( int64  cost  ) 

Sets the fixed cost of all vehicle routes.

It is equivalent to calling SetVehicleFixedCost on all vehicle routes.

Definition at line 928 of file

int64 operations_research::RoutingModel::GetVehicleFixedCost ( int  vehicle  )  const

Returns the route fixed cost taken into account if the route of the vehicle is not empty, aka there's at least one node on the route other than the first and last nodes.

Definition at line 934 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::SetVehicleFixedCost ( int  vehicle,
int64  cost 

Sets the fixed cost of one vehicle route.

Definition at line 939 of file

RoutingStrategy operations_research::RoutingModel::first_solution_strategy (  )  const [inline]

Search Returns the strategy used to build a first solution.

Definition at line 374 of file routing.h.

void operations_research::RoutingModel::set_first_solution_strategy ( RoutingStrategy  strategy  )  [inline]

Sets the strategy used to build a first solution.

Definition at line 378 of file routing.h.

Solver::IndexEvaluator2* operations_research::RoutingModel::first_solution_evaluator (  )  const [inline]

Gets/sets the evaluator used when the first solution heuristic is set to ROUTING_EVALUATOR_STRATEGY (variant of ROUTING_PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC using 'evaluator' to sort node segments).

Definition at line 385 of file routing.h.

void operations_research::RoutingModel::SetFirstSolutionEvaluator ( Solver::IndexEvaluator2 evaluator  )  [inline]

Takes ownership of evaluator.

Definition at line 390 of file routing.h.

RoutingModel::RoutingStrategy operations_research::RoutingModel::GetSelectedFirstSolutionStrategy (  )  const

If a first solution flag has been set (to a value different than Default), returns the corresponding strategy, otherwise returns the strategy which was set.

Flags override strategy selection.

Definition at line 1314 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddLocalSearchOperator ( LocalSearchOperator ls_operator  ) 

Adds a local search operator to the set of operators used to solve the vehicle routing problem.

Definition at line 992 of file

RoutingMetaheuristic operations_research::RoutingModel::metaheuristic (  )  const [inline]

Returns the metaheuristic used.

Definition at line 401 of file routing.h.

void operations_research::RoutingModel::set_metaheuristic ( RoutingMetaheuristic  metaheuristic  )  [inline]

Sets the metaheuristic to be used.

Definition at line 403 of file routing.h.

RoutingModel::RoutingMetaheuristic operations_research::RoutingModel::GetSelectedMetaheuristic (  )  const

If a metaheuristic flag has been set, returns the corresponding metaheuristic, otherwise returns the metaheuristic which was set.

Definition at line 1330 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddSearchMonitor ( SearchMonitor *const   monitor  ) 

Adds a search monitor to the search used to solve the routing model.

Definition at line 1341 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::CloseModel (  ) 

Closes the current routing model; after this method is called, no modification to the model can be done, but RoutesToAssignment becomes available.

Note that CloseModel() is automatically called by Solve() and other methods that produce solution.

Definition at line 1082 of file

const Assignment * operations_research::RoutingModel::Solve ( const Assignment assignment = NULL  ) 

Solves the current routing model; closes the current model.

Definition at line 1345 of file

int64 operations_research::RoutingModel::ComputeLowerBound (  ) 

Computes a lower bound to the routing problem solving a linear assignment problem.

Computing a lower bound to the cost of a vehicle routing problem solving a a linear assignment problem (minimum-cost perfect bipartite matching).

The routing model must be closed before calling this method. Note that problems with node disjunction constraints (including optional nodes) and non-homogenous costs are not supported (the method returns 0 in these cases).

TODO(user): Add support for non-homogeneous costs and disjunctions.
A bipartite graph is created with left nodes representing the nodes of the routing problem and right nodes representing possible node successors; an arc between a left node l and a right node r is created if r can be the node folowing l in a route (Next(l) = r); the cost of the arc is the transit cost between l and r in the routing problem. This is a lower bound given the solution to assignment problem does not necessarily produce a (set of) closed route(s) from a starting node to an ending node.

Definition at line 1378 of file

Status operations_research::RoutingModel::status (  )  const [inline]

Returns the current status of the routing model.

Definition at line 426 of file routing.h.

IntVar * operations_research::RoutingModel::ApplyLocks ( const std::vector< int > &  locks  ) 

Applies a lock chain to the next search.

'locks' represents an ordered vector of nodes representing a partial route which will be fixed during the next search; it will constrain next variables such that: next[locks[i]] == locks[i+1]. Returns the next variable at the end of the locked chain; this variable is not locked. An assignment containing the locks can be obtained by calling PreAssignment().

Definition at line 1604 of file

bool operations_research::RoutingModel::ApplyLocksToAllVehicles ( const std::vector< std::vector< NodeIndex > > &  locks,
bool  close_routes 

Applies lock chains to all vehicles to the next search, such that locks[p] is the lock chain for route p.

Returns false if the locks do not contain valid routes; expects that the routes do not contain the depots, i.e. there are empty vectors in place of empty routes. If close_routes is set to true, adds the end nodes to the route of each vehicle and deactivates other nodes. An assignment containing the locks can be obtained by calling PreAssignment().

Definition at line 1626 of file

const Assignment* const operations_research::RoutingModel::PreAssignment (  )  const [inline]

Returns an assignment used to fix some of the variables of the problem.

In practice, this assignment locks partial routes of the problem. This can be used in the context of locking the parts of the routes which have already been driven in online routing problems.

Definition at line 449 of file routing.h.

bool operations_research::RoutingModel::WriteAssignment ( const string &  file_name  )  const

Writes the current solution to a file containing an AssignmentProto.

Returns false if the file cannot be opened or if there is no current solution.

Definition at line 1666 of file

Assignment * operations_research::RoutingModel::ReadAssignment ( const string &  file_name  ) 

Reads an assignment from a file and returns the current solution.

Returns NULL if the file cannot be opened or if the assignment is not valid.

Definition at line 1675 of file

Assignment * operations_research::RoutingModel::RestoreAssignment ( const Assignment solution  ) 

Restores an assignment as a solution in the routing model and returns the new solution.

Returns NULL if the assignment is not valid.

Definition at line 1684 of file

Assignment * operations_research::RoutingModel::ReadAssignmentFromRoutes ( const std::vector< std::vector< NodeIndex > > &  routes,
bool  ignore_inactive_nodes 

Restores the routes as the current solution.

Returns NULL if the solution cannot be restored (routes do not contain a valid solution). Note that calling this method will run the solver to assign values to the dimension variables; this may take considerable amount of time, especially when using dimensions with slack.

Definition at line 1825 of file

bool operations_research::RoutingModel::RoutesToAssignment ( const std::vector< std::vector< NodeIndex > > &  routes,
bool  ignore_inactive_nodes,
bool  close_routes,
Assignment *const   assignment 
) const

Fills an assignment from a specification of the routes of the vehicles.

The routes are specified as lists of nodes that appear on the routes of the vehicles. The indices of the outer vector in 'routes' correspond to vehicles IDs, the inner vector contain the nodes on the routes for the given vehicle. The inner vectors must not contain the start and end nodes, as these are determined by the routing model. Sets the value of NextVars in the assignment, adding the variables to the assignment if necessary. The method does not touch other variables in the assignment. The method can only be called after the model is closed. With ignore_inactive_nodes set to false, this method will fail (return NULL) in case some of the route contain nodes that are deactivated in the model; when set to true, these nodes will be skipped. Returns true if the route was successfully loaded. However, such assignment still might not be a valid solution to the routing problem due to more complex constraints; it is advisible to call solver()->CheckSolution() afterwards.

Definition at line 1703 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AssignmentToRoutes ( const Assignment assignment,
std::vector< std::vector< NodeIndex > > *const   routes 
) const

Converts the solution in the given assignment to routes for all vehicles.

Expects that assignment contains a valid solution (i.e. routes for all vehicles end with an end node for that vehicle).

Definition at line 1838 of file

Assignment * operations_research::RoutingModel::CompactAssignment ( const Assignment assignment  )  const

Returns a compacted version of the given assignment, in which all vehicles with id lower or equal to some N have non-empty routes, and all vehicles with id greater than N have empty routes.

Does not take ownership of the returned object. If found, the cost of the compact assignment is the same as in the original assignment and it preserves the values of 'active' variables. Returns NULL if a compact assignment was not found. This method only works in homogenous mode, and it only swaps equivalent vehicles (vehicles with the same start and end nodes). When creating the compact assignment, the empty plan is replaced by the route assigned to the compatible vehicle with the highest id. Note that with more complex constraints on vehicle variables, this method might fail even if a compact solution exists. This method changes the vehicle and dimension variables as necessary. While compacting the solution, only basic checks on vehicle variables are performed; the complete solution is checked at the end and if it is not valid, no attempts to repair it are made (instead, the method returns NULL).

Definition at line 1527 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::AddToAssignment ( IntVar *const   var  ) 

Adds an extra variable to the vehicle routing assignment.

Definition at line 2487 of file

int operations_research::RoutingModel::Start ( int  vehicle  )  const [inline]

Model inspection.

Returns the variable index of the starting node of a vehicle route.

Definition at line 518 of file routing.h.

int operations_research::RoutingModel::End ( int  vehicle  )  const [inline]

Returns the variable index of the ending node of a vehicle route.

Definition at line 520 of file routing.h.

bool operations_research::RoutingModel::IsStart ( int64  index  )  const

Returns true if 'index' represents the first node of a route.

Definition at line 1944 of file

bool operations_research::RoutingModel::IsEnd ( int64  index  )  const [inline]

Returns true if 'index' represents the last node of a route.

Definition at line 524 of file routing.h.

int64 operations_research::RoutingModel::GetFirstSolutionCost ( int64  i,
int64  j 

Return high cost if connecting to end node; used in cost-based first solution.

Definition at line 1984 of file

bool operations_research::RoutingModel::homogeneous_costs (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 526 of file routing.h.

int operations_research::RoutingModel::Next ( const Assignment assignment,
int  index 
) const

Assignment inspection Returns the variable index of the node directly after the node corresponding to 'index' in 'assignment'.

Definition at line 1958 of file

bool operations_research::RoutingModel::IsVehicleUsed ( const Assignment assignment,
int  vehicle 
) const

Returns true if the route of 'vehicle' is non empty in 'assignment'.

Definition at line 1948 of file

IntVar** operations_research::RoutingModel::Nexts (  )  const [inline]

Variables Returns all next variables of the model, such that Nexts(i) is the next variable of the node corresponding to i.

Definition at line 536 of file routing.h.

IntVar** operations_research::RoutingModel::VehicleVars (  )  const [inline]

Returns all vehicle variables of the model, such that VehicleVars(i) is the vehicle variable of the node corresponding to i.

Definition at line 539 of file routing.h.

IntVar* operations_research::RoutingModel::NextVar ( int64  index  )  const [inline]

Returns the next variable of the node corresponding to index.

Definition at line 541 of file routing.h.

IntVar* operations_research::RoutingModel::ActiveVar ( int64  index  )  const [inline]

Returns the active variable of the node corresponding to index.

Definition at line 543 of file routing.h.

IntVar* operations_research::RoutingModel::VehicleVar ( int64  index  )  const [inline]

Returns the vehicle variable of the node corresponding to index.

Definition at line 545 of file routing.h.

IntVar * operations_research::RoutingModel::CumulVar ( int64  index,
const string &  name 
) const

Returns the cumul variable for the dimension named 'name'.

Definition at line 2469 of file

IntVar * operations_research::RoutingModel::TransitVar ( int64  index,
const string &  name 
) const

Returns the transit variable for the dimension named 'name'.

Definition at line 2478 of file

IntVar* operations_research::RoutingModel::CostVar (  )  const [inline]

Returns the global cost variable which is being minimized.

Definition at line 551 of file routing.h.

int64 operations_research::RoutingModel::GetCost ( int64  from_index,
int64  to_index,
int64  vehicle 

Returns the cost of the segment between two nodes for a given vehicle route.

Input are variable indices of node.

Definition at line 1967 of file

int64 operations_research::RoutingModel::GetHomogeneousCost ( int64  i,
int64  j 
) [inline]

Returns the cost of the segment between two nodes supposing all vehicle costs are the same (returns the cost for the first vehicle otherwise).

Definition at line 557 of file routing.h.

Solver* operations_research::RoutingModel::solver (  )  const [inline]

Returns the underlying constraint solver.

Can be used to add extra constraints and/or modify search algoithms.

Definition at line 563 of file routing.h.

int operations_research::RoutingModel::nodes (  )  const [inline]

Sizes and indices Returns the number of nodes in the model.

Definition at line 567 of file routing.h.

int operations_research::RoutingModel::vehicles (  )  const [inline]

Returns the number of vehicle routes in the model.

Definition at line 569 of file routing.h.

int operations_research::RoutingModel::Size (  )  const [inline]

Returns the number of next variables in the model.

Definition at line 571 of file routing.h.

RoutingModel::NodeIndex operations_research::RoutingModel::IndexToNode ( int64  index  )  const

Returns the node index from an index value resulting fron a next variable.

Definition at line 1871 of file

int64 operations_research::RoutingModel::NodeToIndex ( NodeIndex  node  )  const

Returns the variable index from a node value.

Should not be used for nodes at the start / end of a route, because of node multiplicity. These cases return -1, which is considered a failure case. Clients who need start and end variable indices should use RoutingModel::Start and RoutingModel::End.

Definition at line 1876 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::GetDisjunctionIndicesFromIndex ( int64  index,
std::vector< int > *  indices 
) const

Returns the variable indices of the nodes in the same disjunction as the node corresponding to the variable of index 'index'.

Definition at line 1882 of file

int64 operations_research::RoutingModel::TimeLimit (  )  const [inline]

Time limits Returns the current time limit used in the search.

Definition at line 586 of file routing.h.

void operations_research::RoutingModel::UpdateTimeLimit ( int64  limit_ms  ) 

Updates the time limit used in the search.

Definition at line 1632 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::UpdateLNSTimeLimit ( int64  limit_ms  ) 

Updates the time limit used in the Large Neighborhood search tree.

Definition at line 1650 of file

void operations_research::RoutingModel::SetCommandLineOption ( const string &  name,
const string &  value 

Utilities for swig to set flags in python or java.

Definition at line 1661 of file

Member Data Documentation

Constants with an index of the first node (to be used in for loops for iteration), and a special index to signalize an invalid/unused value.

Definition at line 244 of file routing.h.

Definition at line 245 of file routing.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: