This is the main page of the auto-generated documentation for directory or-tools/src/constraint_solver/
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From or-tools/src/constraint_solver/README
Constraint Programming (CP) and Routing/Arc Routing
Constraint Programming
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constraint_programming) is a technology
issued from IA and used in Operations Research.
Vehicle Routing (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_routing) and
Vehicle Arc Routing
are useful extensions that are implemented on top of the CP library.
- constraint_solver.h: The point of entry for all constraint programming users.
- constraint_solveri.h: An additional file that helps extending the constraint
programming library.
- routing.h: The point of entry for routing problems.
- constraint_solver.swig: SWIG instructions to wrap the C++ library in python
and java.
- model.proto: Holds the description of a constraint programming problem,
i.e. the input of the solver.
- assignment.proto: Holds the solution of a CP problem.
- search_limit.proto: Holds parameters to limit the search space within
the CP solver, which is important for performance.
- demon_profiler.proto: Holds the timeline and execution profile of
constraints and demons (daemons).
C++ examples are available in the examples directory alongside the
constraint_solver directory.
Python examples are available in the python directory alongside the
constraint_solver library.
Java examples are available in the
/java/com/google/wrappers/util/operationsresearch directory.
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in this directory.