DISI - School of Engineering - Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Mobile Systems M
CdS Laurea Magistrale (MSc) in Computer Engineering - academic year 2019-2020

Course Slides

The course slides used during lecturing will be made available on this Website, week by week, while proceeding with the course lecturing.
So, please check for updated material weekly.


Course Introduction and Presentation (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)


Introductory Overview of Wireless Communications and Systems (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)


Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) and Routing Issues in Mobile Systems (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)


Mobility Management, Mobile IP, and Positioning Systems (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)


Internet of Things (IoT): Definitions and Application Scenarios (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)


5G and Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)


Mobile Middleware Principles and Android (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)


Discovery Protocols and Infrastructures (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)


Messaging and Event Systems (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)


Application Domains for possible Project Activities (.pdf files in format: 1 slide per page, 2 slides per page)