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    ECMAScript 6 support in Mozilla

    ECMAScript 6 is the next version of the standard, code-named "". Specification drafts can be found on the official ECMA wiki. The first working draft based on ECMAScript 5.1, was published on July 12, 2011 as "". As of August 2014, ECMAScript 6 is already feature frozen, will be finished during 2015 and will start to go into the official publication process starting in March 2015 (to be finished in June 2015).

    A channel for feedback on ECMAScript standards is es-discuss.

    Already supported features

    The following features are already implemented in Firefox:

    Standard library

    Additions to the Array object

    New Map and Set objects, and their weak counterparts

    New Math functions

    Additions to the Number object

    Additions to the Object object

    New Promise object

    Additions to the RegExp object

    Additions to the String object

    New Symbol object

    New class syntax

    Typed Arrays

    Typed arrays are specified as part of ECMAScript 6 and no longer in their own specification.

    Expressions and operators



    Other features

    Features with compliance and stabilization changes ongoing

    The following features are (partially) implemented in Firefox, but were introduced long before ES6 or are still discussed in the ECMA TC39 standards body.

    Features not yet supported

    The following features are in the ECMAScript 6 draft specification, but not yet implemented in Firefox:

    See also

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