This is an experimental technology, part of the Harmony (ECMAScript 7) proposal.
Because this technology's specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for usage in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future version of browsers as the spec changes.
The SIMD.int32x4
data type is a 128-bit vector divided into 4 lanes storing 32-bit signed integer values.

Figure 1: SIMD.int32x4 in a 128-bit SIMD register.
SIMD.int32x4(x, y, z, w);
Optional- An integer specifying the value of the first lane. Defaults to 0.
Optional- An integer specifying the value of the second lane. Defaults to 0.
Optional- An integer specifying the value of the third lane. Defaults to 0.
Optional- An integer specifying the value of the fourth lane. Defaults to 0.
In addition to the simple constructors, the SIMD API provides the following constructors. Note that you can also convert from another SIMD data type to int32x4.
- Creates an int32x4 with all lanes set to a given value.
- Creates an int32x4 with boolean parameters, allowing you to create an explicit selection mask.
To actually do something with SIMD types, SIMD operations are needed that work on SIMD data types.
Checking SIMD types
- Returns a new int32x4 if the parameter is a valid int32x4 data type. Throws a
Accessing and mutating lanes
- Returns the value of the given lane.
- Returns a new instance with the given lane value replaced.
Loading from and storing into typed arrays
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values loaded from a typed array.
- Stores an int32x4 into a typed array.
Arithmetic operations
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values added (
a + b
). SIMD.int32x4.mul()
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values multiplied (
a * b
). SIMD.int32x4.neg()
- Returns a new int32x4 with the negated lane values.
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values subtracted (
a - b
). -
Shuffling and swizzling
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values shuffled.
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values swizzled.
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values being a mix of the lanes depending on the selector mask.
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values being a mix of bits depending on the selector mask.
- Returns a selection mask depending on
a == b
. SIMD.int32x4.notEqual()
- Returns a selection mask depending on
a != b
. SIMD.int32x4.lessThan()
- Returns a selection mask depending on
a < b
. SIMD.int32x4.lessThanOrEqual()
- Returns a selection mask depending on
a <= b
. SIMD.int32x4.greaterThan()
- Returns a selection mask depending on
a > b
. SIMD.int32x4.greaterThanOrEqual()
- Returns a selection mask depending on
a >= b
Bitwise logical operations
- Returns a new int32x4 with the logical AND of the lane values (
a & b
). SIMD.int32x4.or()
- Returns a new int32x4 with the logical OR of the lane values (
a | b
). SIMD.int32x4.xor()
- Returns a new int32x4 with the logical XOR of the lane values (
a ^ b
). SIMD.int32x4.not()
- Returns a new int32x4 with lane with the logical NOT of the lane values (
Bitwise shift operations
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values shifted left by a given bit count (
a << bits
). SIMD.int32x4.shiftRightArithmeticByScalar()
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values shifted right (arithmetic) by a given bit count (
a >> bits
). SIMD.int32x4.shiftRightLogicalByScalar()
- Returns a new int32x4 with the lane values shifted right (logical) by a given bit count (
a >>> bits
Data conversions (packing / unpacking)
- Creates a new int32x4 data type with a float conversion from a float32x4.
- Creates a new int32x4 data type with a bit-wise copy from a float32x4.
- Creates a new int32x4 data type with a float conversion from a float64x2.
- Creates a new int32x4 data type with a bit-wise copy from a float64x2.
- Creates a new int32x4 data type with a bit-wise copy from an int16x8.
- Creates a new int32x4 data type with a bit-wise copy from an int8x16.
Constructing an int32x4
new SIMD.int32x4(1, 2, 3, 4); // int32x4[1,2,3,4] new SIMD.int32x4(1, 2); // int32x4[1,2,0,0] new SIMD.int32x4(); // int32x4[0,0,0,0]
SIMD is not yet part of an official standards document or draft. For standardization work and a Polyfill implementation based on typed arrays, see the ecmascript_simd GitHub repository.
Browser compatibility
Feature | Chrome | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
Basic support | Not supported | Nightly build | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported |
Feature | Android | Chrome for Android | Firefox Mobile (Gecko) | IE Mobile | Opera Mobile | Safari Mobile |
Basic support | Not supported | Not supported | Nightly build | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported |