Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ graph/

operations_research Namespace Reference

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. More...


class  BellmanFord
class  ConnectedComponents
 Template class implementing a Union-Find algorithm with path compression for maintaining the connected components of a graph. More...
class  DijkstraSP
 namespace More...
class  EbertGraphCore
 A template for the base class that holds the functionality that exists in common between the EbertGraph<> template and the ForwardEbertGraph<> template. More...
class  EbertGraph
 Most users should only use StarGraph, which is EbertGraph<int32, int32>, and other type shortcuts; see the bottom of this file. More...
class  ForwardEbertGraph
 A forward-star-only graph representation for greater efficiency in those algorithms that don't need reverse arcs. More...
struct  graph_traits
 Traits for EbertGraphCore types, for use in testing and clients that work with both forward-only and forward/reverse graphs. More...
struct  graph_traits< ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType > >
struct  TailArrayBuilder
 The TailArrayBuilder for graphs with reverse arcs does nothing. More...
struct  TailArrayBuilder< GraphType, false >
 The TailArrayBuilder for graphs without reverse arcs calls the appropriate method on the graph from the TailArrayBuilder constructor. More...
struct  TailArrayReleaser
 The TailArrayReleaser for graphs with reverse arcs does nothing. More...
struct  TailArrayReleaser< GraphType, false >
 The TailArrayReleaser for graphs without reverse arcs calls the appropriate method on the graph from the TailArrayReleaser constructor. More...
class  TailArrayManager
class  HamiltonianPathSolver
class  LinearSumAssignment
class  CostValueCycleHandler
class  ArcIndexOrderingByTailNode
 Logically this class should be defined inside OptimizeGraphLayout, but compilation fails if we do that because C++98 doesn't allow instantiation of member templates with function-scoped types as template parameters, which in turn is because those function-scoped types lack linkage. More...
class  MaxFlow
class  MinCostFlow


typedef int32 NodeIndex
 Standard instantiation of ForwardEbertGraph (named 'ForwardStarGraph') of EbertGraph (named 'StarGraph'); and relevant type shortcuts.
typedef int32 ArcIndex
typedef int64 FlowQuantity
typedef int64 CostValue
typedef EbertGraph< NodeIndex,
typedef ForwardEbertGraph
< NodeIndex, ArcIndex
typedef ZVector< NodeIndexNodeIndexArray
typedef ZVector< ArcIndexArcIndexArray
typedef ZVector< FlowQuantityQuantityArray
typedef ZVector< CostValueCostArray
typedef int PathNodeIndex


bool BellmanFordShortestPath (int node_count, int start_node, int end_node, ResultCallback2< int64, int, int > *const graph, int64 disconnected_distance, std::vector< int > *nodes)
 Bellman-Ford Shortest path with callback-based description of the graph.
void Search (ResultCallback2< bool, int, int > *const graph, ResultCallback1< bool, const std::vector< int > & > *const callback, int *input_candidates, int input_size, int input_candidate_size, std::vector< int > *actual, bool *stop)
void FindCliques (ResultCallback2< bool, int, int > *const graph, int node_count, ResultCallback1< bool, const std::vector< int > & > *const callback)
void CoverArcsByCliques (ResultCallback2< bool, int, int > *const graph, int node_count, ResultCallback1< bool, const std::vector< int > & > *const callback)
 Covers the maximum number of arcs of the graph with cliques.
bool DijkstraShortestPath (int node_count, int start_node, int end_node, ResultCallback2< int64, int, int > *const graph, int64 disconnected_distance, std::vector< int > *nodes)
 Dijsktra Shortest path with callback based description of the graph.
template<typename GraphType>
bool BuildLineGraph (const GraphType &graph, GraphType *const line_graph)
 Builds a directed line graph for 'graph' (see "directed line graph" in


static const int kHamiltonianPathSolverPadValue = 1557

Detailed Description

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Graph connectivity algorithm for undirected graphs. Memory consumption: O(n) where m is the number of arcs and n the number of nodes.

TODO(user): add depth-first-search based connectivity for directed graphs.
TODO(user): add depth-first-search based biconnectivity for directed graphs.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Solves the Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problem using a complete algorithm. The algorithm was first described in M. Held, R.M. Karp, A dynamic programming approach to sequencing problems, J. SIAM 10 (1962) 196–210

The Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problem (SHPP) is similar to the Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP). You have to visit all the cities, starting from a given one and you do not need to return to your starting point. With the TSP, you can start anywhere, but you have to return to your start location.

By complete we mean that the algorithm guarantees to compute the optimal solution. The algorithm uses dynamic programming. Its time complexity is O(n*2^n), where n is the number of nodes to be visited. Its space complexity is also O(n*2^n).

Note that the naive implementation of the SHPP exploring all permutations without memorizing intermediate results would have a complexity of (n-1)! (factorial of (n-1) ), which is much higher than n*2^n. To convince oneself of this, just use Stirling's formula: n! ~ sqrt(2*pi*n)*(n/exp(1))^n . Because of these complexity figures, the algorithm is not practical for problems with more than 20 nodes.

Here is how the algorithm works: Let us denote the nodes to be visited by their indices 0..n-1 Let us pick 0 as the starting node. Let d(i,j) denote the distance (or cost) from i to j. f(S,j) where S is a set of nodes and j is a node is defined as follows: f(S,j) = min(i in S, f(Si}, i) + d(i,j))

The set S can be represented by an integer where bit i corresponds to element i in the set. In the following S denotes the integer corresponding to set S.

The computation of f(S,j) is implemented in the method ComputeShortestPath.

To implement dynamic programming, we store the preceding results of computing f(S,i) in an array M[S][i]. Since there are 2^n subsets of the set {0..n-1}, there are 2^n rows and n columns in this array. This explains the complexity figures.

The array M is initialized as follows: for i in (0..n-1) M[0][i] = d(0,i) The dynamic programming iteration is as follows: for S in (0..2^n-2) for i in (0..n-1) M[S][i]=f(S,i)

The dynamic programming iteration is implemented in the method Solve. The optimal value of the Hamiltonian path from 0 to n-1 is given by f(2^n-1,n-1). The optimal value of the Traveling Salesman tour is given by f(2^n-1,0). (There is actually no need to duplicate the first node.)

There are a few tricks in the efficient implementation of this algorithm which are explained below.

Keywords: Traveling Salesman, Hamiltonian Path, Dynamic Programming, Held, Karp.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. This file contains various shortest paths utilities.

Keywords: directed graph, cheapest path, shortest path, Dijkstra, spp.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 139 of file ebert_graph.h.

Definition at line 145 of file ebert_graph.h.

Definition at line 147 of file ebert_graph.h.

Definition at line 141 of file ebert_graph.h.

Definition at line 140 of file ebert_graph.h.

Definition at line 143 of file ebert_graph.h.

Standard instantiation of ForwardEbertGraph (named 'ForwardStarGraph') of EbertGraph (named 'StarGraph'); and relevant type shortcuts.

Unless their use cases prevent them from doing so, users are encouraged to use StarGraph or ForwardStarGraph according to whether or not they require reverse arcs to be represented explicitly. Along with either graph representation, the other type shortcuts here will often come in handy.

Definition at line 130 of file ebert_graph.h.

Definition at line 144 of file ebert_graph.h.

Definition at line 91 of file hamiltonian_path.h.

Definition at line 146 of file ebert_graph.h.

Definition at line 142 of file ebert_graph.h.

Function Documentation

bool operations_research::BellmanFordShortestPath ( int  node_count,
int  start_node,
int  end_node,
ResultCallback2< int64, int, int > *const   graph,
int64  disconnected_distance,
std::vector< int > *  nodes 

Bellman-Ford Shortest path with callback-based description of the graph.

The callback returns the distance between two nodes, a distance of 'disconnected_distance' indicates no arcs between these two nodes. Ownership of the callback is taken by the function that will delete it in the end. This function returns true if 'start_node' and 'end_node' are connected, false otherwise. If true, it will fill the 'nodes' vector with the sequence of nodes on the shortest path between 'start_node' and 'end_node'.

Definition at line 113 of file

template<typename GraphType>
bool operations_research::BuildLineGraph ( const GraphType &  graph,
GraphType *const   line_graph 
) [inline]

Builds a directed line graph for 'graph' (see "directed line graph" in

Arcs of the original graph become nodes and the new graph contains only nodes created from arcs in the original graph (we use the notation (a->b) for these new nodes); the index of the node (a->b) in the new graph is exactly the same as the index of the arc a->b in the original graph. An arc from node (a->b) to node (c->d) in the new graph is added if and only if b == c in the original graph. This method expects that 'line_graph' is an empty graph (it has no nodes and no arcs). Returns false on an error.

Definition at line 1500 of file ebert_graph.h.

void operations_research::CoverArcsByCliques ( ResultCallback2< bool, int, int > *const   graph,
int  node_count,
ResultCallback1< bool, const std::vector< int > & > *const   callback 

Covers the maximum number of arcs of the graph with cliques.

The graph is described by the graph callback. graph->Run(i, j) indicates if there is an arc between i and j. This function takes ownership of 'callback' and deletes it after it has run. It calls 'callback' upon each clique. It ignores cliques of size 1.

Definition at line 199 of file

bool operations_research::DijkstraShortestPath ( int  node_count,
int  start_node,
int  end_node,
ResultCallback2< int64, int, int > *const   graph,
int64  disconnected_distance,
std::vector< int > *  nodes 

Dijsktra Shortest path with callback based description of the graph.

The callback returns the distance between two nodes, a distance of 'disconnected_distance' indicates no arcs between these two nodes. Ownership of the callback is taken by the function that will delete it in the end. This function returns true if 'start_node' and 'end_node' are connected, false otherwise.

Definition at line 156 of file

void operations_research::FindCliques ( ResultCallback2< bool, int, int > *const   graph,
int  node_count,
ResultCallback1< bool, const std::vector< int > & > *const   callback 


Finds all maximal cliques, even of size 1, in the graph described by the graph callback.

This method implements the 'version2' of the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm to find all maximal cliques in a undirected graph.

graph->Run(i, j) indicates if there is an arc between i and j. This function takes ownership of 'callback' and deletes it after it has run. If 'callback' returns true, then the search for cliques stops.

Definition at line 177 of file

void operations_research::@1::Search ( ResultCallback2< bool, int, int > *const   graph,
ResultCallback1< bool, const std::vector< int > & > *const   callback,
int *  input_candidates,
int  input_size,
int  input_candidate_size,
std::vector< int > *  actual,
bool stop 
) [static]

TODO(user) : rewrite this algorithm without the recursivity.

Definition at line 27 of file

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 176 of file hamiltonian_path.h.