Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ graph/

Todo List

Member operations_research::ConnectedComponents::AddGraph (const StarGraph &graph)
TODO(user): implement Depth-First Search-based connected components finder.

Member operations_research::EbertGraphCore::GroupForwardArcsByFunctor (const ArcIndexTypeStrictWeakOrderingFunctor &compare, PermutationCycleHandler< ArcIndexType > *annotation_handler)
TODO(user): Configure SWIG to handle the GroupForwardArcsByFunctor member template and the CycleHandlerForAnnotatedArcs class.

Member operations_research::Search (ResultCallback2< bool, int, int > *const graph, ResultCallback1< bool, const std::vector< int > & > *const callback, int *input_candidates, int input_size, int input_candidate_size, std::vector< int > *actual, bool *stop)
TODO(user) : rewrite this algorithm without the recursivity.

Namespace operations_research
TODO(user): add depth-first-search based connectivity for directed graphs.

Namespace operations_research
TODO(user): add depth-first-search based biconnectivity for directed graphs.