Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
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operations_research::NetworkRoutingDataBuilder Class Reference

Data Generation. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 NetworkRoutingDataBuilder ()
void BuildModelFromParameters (int num_clients, int num_backbones, int num_demands, int traffic_min, int traffic_max, int min_client_degree, int max_client_degree, int min_backbone_degree, int max_backbone_degree, int max_capacity, int fixed_charge_cost, int seed, NetworkRoutingData *const data)

Detailed Description

Data Generation.

Random generator of problem. This generator creates a random problem. This problem uses a special topology. There are 'num_backbones' nodes and 'num_clients' nodes. if 'num_clients' is null, then all backbones nodes are also client nodes. All traffic originates and terminates in client nodes. Each client node is connected to 'min_client_degree' - 'max_client_degree' backbone nodes. Each backbone node is connected to 'min_backbone_degree' - 'max_backbone_degree' other backbone nodes. There are 'num_demands' demands, with a traffic between 'traffic_min' and 'traffic_max'. Each arc has a capacity of 'max_capacity'. Using an arc incurs a fixed cost of 'fixed_charge_cost'.

Definition at line 175 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

operations_research::NetworkRoutingDataBuilder::NetworkRoutingDataBuilder (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 177 of file

Member Function Documentation

void operations_research::NetworkRoutingDataBuilder::BuildModelFromParameters ( int  num_clients,
int  num_backbones,
int  num_demands,
int  traffic_min,
int  traffic_max,
int  min_client_degree,
int  max_client_degree,
int  min_backbone_degree,
int  max_backbone_degree,
int  max_capacity,
int  fixed_charge_cost,
int  seed,
NetworkRoutingData *const   data 
) [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file

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