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From or-tools/examples/cpp/README
C++ examples to demonstrate usage of the different
Operations Research libraries.
- Constraint Solver examples:
- cryptarithm.cc Demonstrates the use of basic modeling objects
(integer variables, arithmetic constraints and expressions,
simple search).
- golomb.cc Demonstrates how to handle objective functions and collect
solutions found during the search.
- magic_square.cc Shows how to use the automatic search to solve your
- costas_array.cc Solves the problem of Costas Array (a constrained
assignment problem used for radars) with two version. On version is
a feasibility version with hard constraints, the other version is
an optimization version with soft constraints and violation costs.
- jobshop.cc Demonstrates scheduling of jobs on different machines.
- jobshop_ls.cc Demonstrates scheduling of jobs on different machines with
a search using Local Search and Large Neighorhood Search.
- nqueens.cc Solves the n-queen problem. It also demonstrates how to break
symmetries during search.
- network_routing.cc Solves a multicommodity mono-routing
problem with capacity constraints and a max usage cost structure.
- sports_scheduling.cc Finds a soccer championship schedule. Its uses an
original approach where all constraints attached to either one team,
or one week are regrouped into one global 'AllowedAssignment' constraints.
- dobble_ls.cc Shows how to write Local Search operators and Local Search
filters in a context of an assignment/partitioning problem. It also
shows how to write a simple constraint.
- Routing examples:
- tsp.cc Travelling Salesman Problem.
- cvrptw.cc Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.
- carptw.cc Capacitated Vehicle Arc-Routing Problem with Time Windows.
- pdptw.cc Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows.
- Graph examples:
- Linear and integer programming examples:
- Examples using multiple technologies:
- warehouse_run.cc Solve a capacitated warehouse location problem with
different techniques.
- Utilities
- model_util.cc A utility to manipulate model files (.cp) dumped by the
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