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operations_research::CoveringProblem Class Reference

Covering Problem. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CoveringProblem (MPSolver *const solver, const Instance &instance)
 Grid is a row-major string of length width*height with '@' for an occupied cell (strawberry) and '.
bool Init ()
 Constructs initial variables and constraints.
int width () const
int height () const
int area () const
int max_boxes () const
bool IsCellOccupied (int x, int y) const
double GetOptimalBox (Box *const target)
 Calculates reduced costs for each possible Box and if any is negative (improves cost), returns reduced cost and set target to the most-negative (steepest descent) one - otherwise returns 0.
MPVariable * AddBox (const Box &box)
 Add continuous [0,1] box variable with box.Cost() as objective coefficient.
string PrintGrid () const
string PrintCovering () const
 Prints covering - total cost, those variables with non-zero value, and graphical depiction of covering using upper case letters for integral coverage and lower case for coverage using combination of fractional boxes.

Protected Types

typedef std::map< Box,
MPVariable *, BoxLessThan

Protected Member Functions

int index (int x, int y) const
MPConstraint * cell (int x, int y)
const MPConstraint * cell (int x, int y) const
void AddCellConstraints ()
 Adds constraints that every cell is covered at most once, exactly once if occupied.
void AddMaxBoxesConstraint ()
 Adds constraint on maximum number of boxes used to cover.
double zero_access (const std::vector< double > &array, int x, int y) const
 Gets 2d array element, returning 0 if out-of-bounds.
void ComputeUpperLeftSums (std::vector< double > *upper_left_sums) const
 Precomputes the sum of reduced costs for every upper-left rectangle.

Protected Attributes

MPSolver *const solver_
 not owned
const int max_boxes_
const int width_
const int height_
const char *const grid_
std::vector< MPConstraint * > cells_
BoxTable boxes_
MPConstraint * max_boxes_constraint_

Detailed Description

Covering Problem.

Definition at line 311 of file

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<Box, MPVariable*, BoxLessThan> operations_research::CoveringProblem::BoxTable [protected]

Definition at line 552 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

operations_research::CoveringProblem::CoveringProblem ( MPSolver *const   solver,
const Instance instance 
) [inline]

Grid is a row-major string of length width*height with '@' for an occupied cell (strawberry) and '.

' for an empty cell. Solver is not owned.

Definition at line 316 of file

Member Function Documentation

bool operations_research::CoveringProblem::Init (  )  [inline]

Constructs initial variables and constraints.

Initial column (box) covers entire grid, ensuring feasibility.

Definition at line 325 of file

int operations_research::CoveringProblem::width (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 356 of file

int operations_research::CoveringProblem::height (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 357 of file

int operations_research::CoveringProblem::area (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 358 of file

int operations_research::CoveringProblem::max_boxes (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 359 of file

bool operations_research::CoveringProblem::IsCellOccupied ( int  x,
int  y 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 361 of file

double operations_research::CoveringProblem::GetOptimalBox ( Box *const   target  )  [inline]

Calculates reduced costs for each possible Box and if any is negative (improves cost), returns reduced cost and set target to the most-negative (steepest descent) one - otherwise returns 0.

For a problem in standard form 'minimize c*x s.t. Ax<=b, x>=0' the reduced cost vector is c - transp(y) * A where y is the dual cost column vector.

For this covering problem, in which all coefficients in A are 0 or 1, this reduces to:

reduced_cost(box) =

box.Cost() - sum_{enclosed cell} cell_constraint->dual_value()

  • max_boxes_constraint_->dual_value()

Since there are O(d^4) boxes, we don't also want O(d^2) sum for each, so pre-calculate sums of cell duals for all rectangles with upper-left at 0, 0, and use these to calculate the sum in constant time using the standard inclusion-exclusion trick.

Definition at line 383 of file

MPVariable* operations_research::CoveringProblem::AddBox ( const Box box  )  [inline]

Add continuous [0,1] box variable with box.Cost() as objective coefficient.

Add to cell constraint of all enclosed cells.

Definition at line 443 of file

string operations_research::CoveringProblem::PrintGrid (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 457 of file

string operations_research::CoveringProblem::PrintCovering (  )  const [inline]

Prints covering - total cost, those variables with non-zero value, and graphical depiction of covering using upper case letters for integral coverage and lower case for coverage using combination of fractional boxes.

Definition at line 474 of file

int operations_research::CoveringProblem::index ( int  x,
int  y 
) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 509 of file

MPConstraint* operations_research::CoveringProblem::cell ( int  x,
int  y 
) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 510 of file

const MPConstraint* operations_research::CoveringProblem::cell ( int  x,
int  y 
) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 511 of file

void operations_research::CoveringProblem::AddCellConstraints (  )  [inline, protected]

Adds constraints that every cell is covered at most once, exactly once if occupied.

Definition at line 515 of file

void operations_research::CoveringProblem::AddMaxBoxesConstraint (  )  [inline, protected]

Adds constraint on maximum number of boxes used to cover.

Definition at line 526 of file

double operations_research::CoveringProblem::zero_access ( const std::vector< double > &  array,
int  x,
int  y 
) const [inline, protected]

Gets 2d array element, returning 0 if out-of-bounds.

Definition at line 531 of file

void operations_research::CoveringProblem::ComputeUpperLeftSums ( std::vector< double > *  upper_left_sums  )  const [inline, protected]

Precomputes the sum of reduced costs for every upper-left rectangle.

Definition at line 540 of file

Member Data Documentation

MPSolver* const operations_research::CoveringProblem::solver_ [protected]

not owned

Definition at line 553 of file

Definition at line 554 of file

Definition at line 555 of file

Definition at line 556 of file

const char* const operations_research::CoveringProblem::grid_ [protected]

Definition at line 557 of file

std::vector<MPConstraint*> operations_research::CoveringProblem::cells_ [protected]

Definition at line 558 of file

Definition at line 559 of file

Definition at line 560 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: