- OpenSNMP: Our sister SNMPv3 reference release: A C++, threaded, modular snmpv3 reference implementation.
- Net-Policy: Net-Policy is a highly-scalable, role-and-policy based network management system. It distrubutes configuration to a network primarily
through the SNMP protocol. (Its initial configuration mechanisms are designed for IPsec VPN management.) Stop configuring your SNMP agents one host at a time!
- snarl-snmp: snarl (Snmp based Network Application for Remote Logging and monitoring) is an active MIB module for net-snmp-5.0.3 and
higher to actively monitor dynamic web applications. snmp traps are sent and escalated on alarms
- netsnmpj: NetSNMPJ is a open source java library that implements a java API around the Net-SNMP code base.
- Jasmin: A DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB implementation. This is a third party MIB module that implements the DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB for use with
a the Net-SNMP agent. The implementation supports multiple languages and runtime systems and A script MIB extensibility protocol (SMX) to plugin additional runtime systems.
- Fetchlog: The fetchlog utility fetches and converts the last new messages of a logfile similar to tail. Together with Net-SNMP it can be used to
look in remote logfiles or to monitor logfiles, for example with Nagios.
- SNMPTT: SNMPTT is a SNMP trap handler written in Perl for use with the Net-SNMP snmptrapd program. Received traps are translated into friendly
messages using variable substitution.
- Zenoss:
Zenoss is an enterprise grade monitoring system that provides
Inventory/Configuration, Event, Performance and Availability management
in a single integrated package. It is written in Python using the Zope
web application framework and Twisted network programming environment.
It has pre-built templates for devices with Net-SNMP installed.
Zenoss is written to be easy to use for a beginner, yet flexible
and powerful enough for the advanced user.
Other sources of information about SNMP in general
IETF and SNMP protocol standards related information