Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ linear_solver/

operations_research Namespace Reference

To compile the open-source code, the anonymous namespace should be inside the operations_research namespace (This is due to the open-sourced version of StringPrintf which is defined inside the operations_research namespace in open_source/base). More...


class  MPSolver
 This mathematical programming (MP) solver class is the main class though which users build and solve problems. More...
class  MPObjective
 A class to express a linear objective. More...
class  MPVariable
 The class for variables of a Mathematical Programming (MP) model. More...
class  MPConstraint
 The class for constraints of a Mathematical Programming (MP) model. More...
class  MPSolverParameters
 This class stores parameter settings for LP and MIP solvers. More...
class  MPSolverInterface
 This class wraps the actual mathematical programming solvers. More...


MPSolverInterfaceBuildSolverInterface (MPSolver *const solver, MPSolver::OptimizationProblemType problem_type)

Detailed Description

To compile the open-source code, the anonymous namespace should be inside the operations_research namespace (This is due to the open-sourced version of StringPrintf which is defined inside the operations_research namespace in open_source/base).

Function Documentation

MPSolverInterface* operations_research::@3::BuildSolverInterface ( MPSolver *const   solver,
MPSolver::OptimizationProblemType  problem_type 
) [static]

Definition at line 294 of file