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operations_research::Box Member List

This is the complete list of members for operations_research::Box, including all inherited members.

Box()operations_research::Box [inline]
Box(int x_min, int x_max, int y_min, int y_max)operations_research::Box [inline]
Compare(const Box &box) const operations_research::Box [inline]
Contains(int x, int y) const operations_research::Box [inline]
Cost() const operations_research::Box [inline]
DebugString() const operations_research::Box [inline]
kAreaCostoperations_research::Box [static]
kFixedCostoperations_research::Box [static]
x_max() const operations_research::Box [inline]
x_min() const operations_research::Box [inline]
y_max() const operations_research::Box [inline]
y_min() const operations_research::Box [inline]