McSense ParticipAct — Documentation


  • Giuseppe Cardone, Luca Foschini, Cristian Borcea, Paolo Bellavista, Antonio Corradi, Manoop Talasila, Reza Curtmola, "Fostering ParticipAction in Smart Cities: a Geo-Social CrowdSensing Platform", Communications Magazine, IEEE, vol.51, no.6, pp.112,119, June 2013 [IEEE Xplore].

Source code

For the documentation about McSense prototype code, please refer to the javadoc documentation and README file distributed with the source code (see the download section).

McSense — Sense the world

McSense Participact is part of the McSense "Sense the world" project. Please refer to McSense "Sense the world" web page for further documentation.