Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ linear_solver/

Todo List

Member operations_research::MPConstraint::index () const
TODO(user): move to protected.

Member operations_research::MPObjective::AddOffset (double value)
TODO(user): remove this.

Member operations_research::MPSolver::ResultStatus
TODO(user): Figure out once and for all what the status of underlying solvers exactly mean, especially for feasible and infeasible.

Member operations_research::MPSolver::objective_value () const
TODO(user): remove when they are no longer used.

Class operations_research::MPSolverParameters
TODO(user): store the parameter values in a protocol buffer instead. We need to figure out how to deal with the subtleties of the default values.