Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ algorithms/

Todo List

Class operations_research::KnapsackAssignment
TODO(user): Add a new propagator class for conflict constraint.

Class operations_research::KnapsackAssignment
TODO(user): Add a new propagator class used as a guide when the problem has several dimensions.

Member operations_research::KnapsackCapacityPropagator::ComputeProfitBounds ()
TODO(user): Make it more incremental, by saving the break item in a search node for instance.

Class operations_research::KnapsackGenericSolver
TODO(user): In case of multi-dimensional knapsack problem, implement an aggregated propagator to combine all dimensions and give a better guide to select next item (see for instance Dobson's aggregated efficiency).