DISI - School of Engineering - Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Mobile Systems M
CdS Laurea Magistrale (MSc) in Computer Engineering - academic year 2021-2022

Objectives and Technical Contents

General Info and Objectives


Necessary Previous Courses: NONE
but the technical contents of the “old” courses of computer networks (Reti di Calcolatori T and also, even if very partially, Computer Networks M), Sistemi Operativi T and Tecnologie Web T can be useful for sure.

Exam mode: LONG :-) oral interview
with the discussion of a small project activity – optional;
also opportunity of Project Activity - 4 ECTS


Course Goals (in extremely short):

in-depth competences on models and solutions for state-of-the-art mobile systems, for mobile services and applications provisioned on top of them, and for the support (middleware) needed for the development and runtime management of them.
Know-how about methodologies, models, and implementations to design, implement, deploy, and runtime evaluate mobile services


Output Skills and Abilities


In addition, the course will include:


Requirements before attending this course